
Group: DynoMotion Message: 11591 From: lmp582002 Date: 5/27/2015
Subject: Feed and Rapid Overide


In looking at KMotionCNC I noticed that there is an override for rapids and for feed movements.

I would like to make sure I understand correctly.

1. G00 speeds are determined from data put into the step response screen
    • If I increase the rapid override to 2.0 this will double the velocity, acceleration, and Jerk parameters set in the step response screen?
2. G01-02 movements are set from the trajectory planner 
  • Increasing the feed override will change the acceleration and velocity in the trajectory planner?

In this is the case I need to be careful if I have tuned these parameters, as increasing them could cause following errors.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11599 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 5/28/2015
Subject: Re: Feed and Rapid Overide
Hi Scott,

The answers are fairly complicated.  Have you read?


The simple answers are:

#1 - Yes Rapid Rate Override uses "hardware speed changes" and values over 1.0 will increase the Velocity, Acceleration, and Jerk limits set in KFLOP.  Actually Acceleration goes up by the square (to accelerate to double the speed in half the time uses 4X acceleration).

#2 - Depends if you choose to use "hardware" or "software" for values above 1.0.  Software FRO will never violate Velocity and Accelerations set in the Trajectory Planner.  Hardware will exceed the set limits so you would have to reserve margin for this.


Group: DynoMotion Message: 11600 From: lmp582002 Date: 5/28/2015
Subject: Re: Feed and Rapid Overide
That helps Tom. Thanks.